Martu Youth Program

 Martu adults are concerned for the future of their youth. The “Reconnecting Martu Youth with Country” program is a societal and community-based response that aims to engage Martu at-risk youth in the 14–18-year age bracket in country trips and camps. The KJ Board, Martu Leadership Program and Kunawarritji community have worked on the Reconnecting Martu Youth with Country program idea. They have said: “We want the kids to go out on country, to learn their culture, to listen to their old people, to learn language properly, to learn their family trees and their stories – so they know who they are. We want to find new ways of keeping kids interested and happy, so that they want to learn. This program means that we are all working together to keep these kids out of trouble, to teach them and to make them strong.”


This program will provide opportunities for Martu at risk youth to participate in culturally grounded activities focused on building resilience and a sense of identity and purpose to counter the pervasive effects of trauma, grief and social dislocation that lead to destructive life choices. Research has shown that on-country trips work across multiple levels, including at a community level to heal intergenerational trauma caused by colonisation through strengthening culture and spiritual identity.


Kalyuku Ninti 2022


Ngurra Karti (getting Back Home Program)